Severity: normal
Usertags: unblock

Please unblock package debian-edu-doc, it's a documentation and
translation update only:

debian-edu-doc (2.10.18) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Update Debian Edu Buster manual from the wiki.
  * Update Audacity manual from the wiki.
  * Update Rosegarden manual from the wiki.
  * Update debian/copyright from the wikis.

  [ Translation updates ]
  * Buster manual:
    - Chinese (Simplified): Ma Yong
    - Japanese: hoxp18
    - Dutch: Frans Spiesschaert
  * Stretch manual:
    - Chinese (Simplified): Ma Yong
    - Japanese: hoxp18
  * Audacity manual:
    - new Japanese translation by hoxp18.
    - Dutch: Frans Spiesschaert
  * Rosegarden manual:
    - French: Quentin Lejard

  [ hoxp18 ]
  * documentation/common/edu-css.xml: increase font size for headings in the
    HTML variants.

 -- Holger Levsen <>  Mon, 17 Jun 2019 22:17:41 +0200

$ debdiff debian-edu-doc_2.10.17.dsc debian-edu-doc_2.10.18.dsc
 debian/changelog                                                    |   27 
 debian/copyright                                                    |   10 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.cs.po                        |   10 
 documentation/audacity/                        |   18 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.ja.po                        | 1107 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.nb.po                        |   18 
 documentation/audacity/                        |   24 
 documentation/audacity/                        |   10 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.pot                          |   10 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.pt_BR.po                     |   10 
 documentation/audacity/                        |   10 
 documentation/audacity/                        |   13 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.xml                          |    4 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.zh.po                        |   10 
 documentation/audacity/audacity-manual.zh_Hant.po                   |   10 
 documentation/common/edu.css.xml                                    |    7 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.da.po      |  276 -
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/      |   23 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/      |   16 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/      |   32 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/      |  191 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.ja.po      | 1944 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.nb.po      |   18 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/      |   40 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/      |   16 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.pot        |   11 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.xml        |    6 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.zh.po      |   88 
 documentation/debian-edu-buster/debian-edu-buster-manual.zh_Hant.po |   16 
 documentation/debian-edu-stretch/debian-edu-stretch-manual.ja.po    |  108 
 documentation/debian-edu-stretch/debian-edu-stretch-manual.zh.po    |    4 
 documentation/rosegarden/                    |    8 
 documentation/rosegarden/                    |  308 -
 documentation/rosegarden/rosegarden-manual.nb.po                    |   14 
 documentation/rosegarden/                    |   17 
 documentation/rosegarden/                    |    8 
 documentation/rosegarden/rosegarden-manual.pot                      |    8 
 documentation/rosegarden/rosegarden-manual.xml                      |    4 
 documentation/rosegarden/rosegarden-manual.zh.po                    |    8 
 documentation/rosegarden/rosegarden-manual.zh_Hant.po               |    8 
 40 files changed, 2761 insertions(+), 1709 deletions(-)

The full debdiff is attached.

unblock debian-edu-doc/2.10.18

Hooray for Buster!


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Description: application/xz

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