Package: wireshark-dev
Version: 2.6.9-1
Severity: normal
Tags: help upstream confirmed

Dear Users of the idl2wrs modules,

Please help in migrating the Pyhton 2 modules to Python 3 because
other parts of Wireshark migrated to Python 3 and omniidl also

If the modules are not migrated to Python 2 they will be dropped due
to becoming useless. Myself, the maintainer of the wireshark package
don't use those modules nor have adequate test data to verify a
conversion, hence the 'help' tag. If you find the modules useful and
can convert them, please step up and file patches under this bug or at
the Salsa repository:

Upstream's bug text:

Since v2.9.0rc0-2460-ge9f7bb5127 we have moved as much as possible to Python 3,
including the Python dependencies for wireshark-dev.

However we have this in debian/wireshark-dev.install:
tools/ usr/share/pyshared
tools/ usr/share/pyshared
tools/ usr/share/pyshared
tools/ usr/share/pyshared

and this statement:
"Architecture-independent public Python 2 modules should be installed to
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages. The historical location for this was
/usr/share/pyshared. Since Python 2.7 is the last Python 2 version and the only
supported version in Wheezy and later releases, a version-specific location is

Both and appears to be still Python 2 only
(print "xxx") and are loaded as modules by "omniidl" (see doc/README.idl2wrs).
According to [1], omniORB 4.2.0 gained Python 3 support. Debian omniidl
4.1.6-2.1  (Stretch) still requires Py2.7 while omniidl 4.2.2-0.9 (Buster) uses

Unless someone steps up, updates and validates that the idl2wrs-related work
properly with Python 3 (and Python 2?) and integrates well with Debian Stretch
/ Buster, I would suggest dropping these files from Debian packaging. That
would also permit removing debian/patches/09_idl2wrs.patch



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