
Some good news:

* The package git repository has now been moved to the php team in
  salsa, see https://salsa.debian.org/php-team/pear/php-easyrdf
* I managed to get gbp working correctly. In the process, while using
  pristine tar I noticed the release tarball is removing development
  related files, including tests, which is OK at this point, since they
  require an old version of phpunit, so the related debian package
  cannot run them, which is something that may be something to change
* I have uploaded the new version of the package to mentors too, see

Some context on why this package can be useful:

* Resource Description Framework, RDF,  is an official W3C
  Recommendation for Semantic Web data models.
* There is no a RDF related php library in Debian.
* This library is used by multiple upstream projects, see [1] for a
  list in packagist. So having it packaged will help to add any of
  those projects, e.g. drupal.

On the packaged version:

* The upstream project has a 0.9.x branch, which is used by many
* It also has a master branch, which contains on it a
  0.10.0-alpha.1 tag, which I avoided since (i) it is not stable, and
  (ii) has several new dependencies. 

1: https://packagist.org/packages/easyrdf/easyrdf/dependents



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