Source: libgnustep-gui0.27
Version: 0.27.0-5
Severity: important


this package uses GifQuantizeBuffer() from giflib. The symbol has been
dropped in giflib 5.2 (libgif-dev/libgif7 5.2.1 is available in
experimental) and therefore the package 
a) stops working when the gif library package is upgraded and
b) if built against libgif-dev >= 5.2 then GIF support is

I do not think giflib did the right thing by dropping the symbol without
a soname bump but that is beside the point.[1] Even with the correct way
(giflib soname bump) this package loses gif support. I am quite confident
that GifQuantizeBuffer() will not be reintroduced - It was ripped out to
"reduce libgif size and attack surface".

I am reporting this /now/ with severity important, but please treat it
as rc issue.

cu Andreas

[1] I have suggested to upstream to do a soname bump. If this is not
accepted we will probably end up with newer libgif7 having a Breaks for

checking for QuantizeBuffer... no
checking for GifQuantizeBuffer... no

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