Package: lintian
Version: 2.21.0
Severity: normal
Tags: patch

Checking the octave-stk package against the current version of Lintian in unstable (2.21.0), yields several errors like this one:

E: octave-stk: library-not-linked-against-libc 

I believe that these are false positives. The *.mex files (like *.oct files) are dynamically linked objects that are loaded at runtime by Octave and contains extensions that add functionality to the program (like add-ons).

These files are produced by mkoctfile, which is called by the dh-octave insfrastructure, on which most of the packages providing Octave add-ons build-depend. These *.mex and *.oct are never underlinked, as itcan be checked running, for instance:

ldd -r __stk_dist_matrixx__.mex

I proposed a very simplistic patch for fixing the problem as a merge request against the Lintian Git repository at salsa.d.o:

My knowledge on the internals of Lintian are very limited, so I apologize in advance if this patch is not appropriate.


Rafael Laboissière

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