Hi Thomas,

On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 01:46:22PM +0100, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> Hi,
> As I understand it, this bug concerns TripleO, which is a Red Hat
> product. Please clear this CVE from the Debian security tracker.

whilst it was reported initially for a TripleO issue, the changes
applied are affecting the python-mistral-lib/mistral and needs changes
in python-oslo.utils as pre-requisite.

See: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1850843

and the fix in the python-oslo.utils part is


while the patches for mistral/python-mistral-lib are as follows:

Patch for Pike and newer: 
Patch for Pike and newer: 

My point here was, it might have impact outside TripleO, there are
changes done defintively in the scope of the respective above
mentioned source packages in Debian. One might on the other side
defintively argue this all might not warrant any DSA handling (which I
might tend to agree).

What am I'm missing in the context?


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