Package: ptunnel
Version: 0.72-3
Severity: normal
Tags: bullseye sid

Dear Maintainer,

Please consider adding a native systemd service masking the already
shipped init script (fixes lintian tag[1] in subject).

I've attached my own attempt at writing a service file, based off
looking at what the init script does. Note that it is completely
untested (as I don't use ptunnel myself).
The ptunnel.service could simply be dropped into the debian/ directory
and debhelper should do the right thing with the service file (although
note that the current compat 11 is now discuraged!).

Please also note that the magic expansions as done to $password
is a shell feature and is not supported inside a service file.
Also passing a password on the command line to a process is
a local security hole as anyone could see it by simply running
'ps aux' or similar. I would recommend that ptunnel implements
reading the password from the environment variable directly itself.

The service could also be simplified by dropping the -daemon argument
running ptunnel in the foreground and set Type=simple. It is recommended
that user changes to settings are done via 'systemctl edit
ptunnel.service' rather than using /etc/default files, which will
allow 'systemd-delta' to show customizations. I however did not
go this route as users current setup might contain important settings
already in their $OPTIONS variable that I'm not aware of.

Additional improvements eg. using security hardening[2] could also be

Finally please get rid of the homebrew enable/disable[3] service
implementation $run_daemon. Ship the service disabled and let
the user simply run 'service ptunnel enable' when they have
configured it.

Andreas Henriksson

Description=TCP over ICMP tunnelling daemon

Environment="OPTIONS=-daemon /run/"
# Note:
#ExecStartPre=/bin/bash -c 'if [ "$run_daemon" != true ]; then echo "To run the 
ptunnel daemon, please set run_daemon to 'true' in /etc/default/ptunnel "; exit 
1 ; fi'
# TODO: security hardening


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