Control: severity -1 serious

Hi Jörg,

> On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 11:08 AM Jörg Frings-Fürst <> wrote:
>> you write "should be marked". Should be is IMHO not serious.

Notwithstanding the wording, the Release Team is happy with the bugs
that Sudip is filing. Because of the way that autopkgtests are used in
the Debian infrastructure to influence migration from unstable to
testing [1], it is very important that autopkgtests are recognized for
what they are. If an autopkgtest isn't really testing the installed
binaries (and yes, the boundary is unfortunately not well defined) it's
crucial that the test is marked as superficial, conform our rc_policy
[2]. The Release Team has decided that the examples that Sudip tagged,
i.e. --version, --help, checking for some installed file and the Python
import check, are superficial.


[1] reduced age for packages with successful non-trivial autopkgtests
and (since bullseye) packages with non-trivial autopkgtests are allowed
to migrate in a later stage of the freeze than other packages:

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