Severity: normal

I am Gitano's upstream as well as the package maintainer in Debian.  From an
upstream perspective I consider Gitano to basically be obsolete.  There are only
very few installations, nobody has contributed bug reports or patches in a very
long time, and while that could be considered a stability indicator, I know
there are plenty of problems in the codebase.

In addition, the package in unstable now FTBFS (#975802) and one of the
lua libraries (gall) will become a pain with the libgit2 transition which is
still staged in experimental AFAICT.

As such, I think all of the listed source packages should be removed before
bullseye so that there's no risk of this unsupportable software being used
by Debian's users and thus getting a bad impression of Debian.

As far as I can tell, there are no packages which depend on the given
list of source packages beyond this little gitano cluster, so it should all
be perfectly safe to remove.

Thank you,


Daniel Silverstone               
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