I can confirm that courier-webadmin does not work. 

On a fresh Debian 12.4.0 install (32-bit, server setup), after immediately 
installing courier-webadmin, when trying to access the webadmin frontend thru 
http://localhost/cgi-bin/courierwebadmin as stated in the install wizard, I get 
a 404. Plain "localhost" loads the Apache default page as expected.

The upstream website is also down quite a lot, and has to be accessed through 
the Wayback Machine. It's hard to get manual configuration instructions, and if 
I'm not sure that other components are functional, I doubt I have the skills to 
get it all working.

A partial substitute, with a mail server, webmail and webadmin, would be the 
Freedombox package:
Unfortunately it's not a very exact substitute. Freedombox doesn't really seem 
to have multi-domain hosting support; it has to be kludged to host a second 
website on a second domain, and I'm not sure if one could kludge it to do what 
Courier calls "vanity fronting", where each domain seems to have its own 
mailserver, webmail, users, etc.. Nor can Freedombox be set to provide just a 
mail system and allow other programs to provide other server services; it's 
intended as a monolithic standard-form home-server app that is administered 
entirely through a web interface, which is useful, but not at all the same 

Is there any other mailserver package that plays well with Debian and is easy 
test and maintain?

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