Source: ipywidgets
Version: 6.0.0-8
Severity: wishlist


The upstream ipywidgets repository includes a subdirectory called
"packages" containing 6 JavaScript libraries.  It would be great if
these could be packaged along with the rest of the ipywidgets packages
(either as extra binary packages within the ipywidgets source package,
or as separate packages).

Reason: The jupyter-nbconvert package has a template which includes
trying to load @jupyter-widgets/html-manager@^0.18.0/dist/embed-amd.js
from  Lintian throws up a complaint about this if this
appears within a Debian package's HTML documentation, understandably,
so I'd like to replace it with a local version.  But this JavaScript
library does not currently appear in Debian.  So it would be good if
it were packaged centrally, and this is the most appropriate place to
do that (though it will obviously be a newer version).



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