It seems the main issue was that libvirt-daemon-system was not installed after 
the update. Found that by searching for /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

In addition I had to put the default network to active:

rd@h370:~$ apt-file search qemu.conf             
libvirt-daemon-system: /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

root@h370:~# apt-get install libvirt-daemon-system
root@h370:~# addgroup rd libvirt
Füge Benutzer »rd« der Gruppe »libvirt« hinzu ...
Benutzer rd wird zur Gruppe libvirt hinzugefügt.
root@h370:~# virsh net-list --all
 Name      Status    Automatischer Start   Bleibend
 default   Inaktiv   nein                  ja

root@h370:~# virsh net-start default
Netzwerk default gestartet

root@h370:~# virsh net-list --all
 Name      Status   Automatischer Start   Bleibend
 default   Aktiv    nein                  ja

I think the core of the issue is rather why libvirt-daemon-system was 
installed after the upgrade, the documentation seems to be ok for me. Even 
from having not found /usr/share/doc/libvirt-daemon-system/README.Debian.gz I 
could have concluded that libvirt-daemon-system is missing, but I concluded 
wrongly that the package was renamed.


Rainer Dorsch

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