
Holger Wansing <hwans...@mailbox.org> (2021-04-25):
> Chris Hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org>:
> > I spent a few hours today on this issue, but did not get very far.
> > Not totally unexpected if you know nothing about the installer.

And yet!

> > I have, however, a perf top output to share. I believe this more or
> > less means the font rendering (pango, fontconfig) is stuck somehow?

I believe the root cause of this issue is the same as for #987377, even
if I can't immediately confirm it for the reason mentioned below.

> That might support my wild guess, that "Drop fontconfig tweaks" changings 
> could be related.
> https://salsa.debian.org/installer-team/debian-installer/-/commit/95fdc73ca8cde8d7a360fd3d742fc947a045ec0f

I would have probably had the same initial intuition as you, but that's
very likely irrelevant.

> However, I don't get it, why recent dailies are not affected, while
> RC1 (and alpha3) is ???
> Are there differences during build for the "release builds" (alpha,
> rc) compared to the dailies?

I think you are testing different things:
 - For Alpha 2, Alpha 3, RC 1, you're likely using the Netinst ISO,
   which was fine up to Alpha 2, and started breaking with Alpha 3?
 - For daily builds, you're using the netboot/gtk/mini.iso ISO?

Locally, I can confirm that a locally built netboot-gtk ISO does *not*
exhibit the obvious issue on regular installation in e.g. Kannada while
the Netinst ISO for say RC 1 triggers the issue immediately.

There might be some fun thing going on, possibly memory corruption? That
might explain why we run into problems or we don't, depending on which
ISO is used, what the initramfs exactly contains (Netinst ISO don't use
the same initramfs as netboot-gtk), how files are ordered, or whether an
English or a French locale is used (English breaks, French or German is
fine, for #987377), what bootloader was used, etc.

I would need to restore a working debian-cd setup locally to have higher
chances of triggering the issue with a locally-produced d-i + Netinst
ISO, then proceeding to confirm it goes away with a package revert.

To avoid more speculations in #987449 (I have no conclusions yet, just a
*very strong* suspicion), I'll keep my findings to #987377 in a separate

Thanks everyone involved so far, tracking down the Alpha 2 vs. Alpha 3
issue (rather than Alpha 3 vs. RC 1 as one might have thought) was very
neat, it got me started with the idea we could actually have a common
issue that expresses itself in rather different and convoluted ways…

Cyril Brulebois (k...@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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