Thank you for updating vmdb2 to 0.24!

On donderdag 26 augustus 2021 18:57:07 CEST you wrote:
> afaict the qemu-debootstrap plugin is still available and doesn't alert
> the user of its deprecation.
> And I think it should, by at least outputting/logging a warning and
> possibly switching to error/fail (over time?).

I'm not sure what to do about it as I think the above quoted part is still 
true and therefor a future problem.
It began with me not entirely correctly marking the issue as fixed-upstream.
While it should now be possible to replace the qemu-debootstrap element in 
yaml files with (plain) debootstrap, upstream still 'happily' invokes qemu-
debootstrap without issuing a warning (or error). And I think it should to 
actively steer people away from qemu-debootstrap.
(Currently qemu-debootstrap 'redirects' the call to normal debootstrap, but 
that will probably not forever be the case)

But I also saw recently a somewhat worrying commit:
say in README project is in "selfish maintenance mode"

So that doesn't look good.

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