
here it is again, roughly 2,5 hours after starting it:

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S     TIME+  %MEM  %CPU COMMAND   
31984 me        20   0  756480 262364  90476 S  28:54.33   3.2 101.0 telegram-+
 1791 root      20   0  341160  94348  72712 S 103:33.75   1.2   3.6 Xorg      
23647 me        20   0 3529176 620964 157912 S 132:57.36   7.6   2.6 firefox-e+

There are two animated stickers and a youtube preview in the currently
viewed channel, but none of this runs if I don't move the mouse over it
-- and the CPU load remains, if I switch channels.

Now the animated stickers disappeared. Time to restart telegram-desktop,
obviously. I tend to want chat programs run the whole time, not restart
them every two hours.


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