Package: darkslide
Version: 6.0.0-2

darkslide contains:


this appears to be the SourceSansPro font, which is otherwise only
referenced (and also distributed?) in debian in texlive-fonts-extra
package.  (i can't figure out what licensing is appropriate for
SourceSansPro from a quick scan of

and the following files appear to embed base64-encoded versions fonts in
the Alegreya Sans family in the following files:


Alegreya Sans is in the fonts-alegreya-sans package, but
/usr/share/doc/fonts-alegreya-sans/copyright claims it is licensed under
OFL-1.1, while /usr/share/doc/darkslide/copyright makes no mention of

i also note that these embedded fonts end up taking up more than 75% of
the darkslide package (on the order of 400KiB each, i think).

Not sure what the right resolution here is.  it'd be nice to reduce the
weight of the package by stripping them, which would also significantly
reduce the size of any slideshow generated using darkslide --embed
(though it might not render the same on a machine that doesn't have the
associated fonts available).

Thanks for maintaining darkslide in debian!


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