Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Roland Mas <>

* Package name    : mcpl
  Version         : 1.3.2
  Upstream Author : Thomas Kittelmann <>
* URL             :
* License         : CC0
  Programming Lang: C, C++, Python
  Description     : Monte Carlo Particle Lists - tools for the .mcpl file format

This is MCPL - Monte Carlo Particle Lists.

Included are the core utilities for reading and writing .mcpl files: A
binary format with lists of particle state information, for
interchanging and reshooting events between various Monte Carlo
simulation applications. The core utilities include both command line
tools and programming interfaces for C/C++ and python.

This package is going to be useful for the McStas/McXtrace Monte Carlo
neutron/X-ray ray tracing packages.

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