Package: composer
Version: 1.2.2-1+deb9u1
Severity: important

0005-Merge-pull-request-from-GHSA-h5h8-pc6h-jvvx.patch includes:
-        $command = 'git clone --no-checkout %s %s '.$cacheOptions.'&& cd 
'.$flag.'%2$s && git remote add composer %1$s && git fetch composer';
+        $command = 'git clone --no-checkout -- %s %s '.$cacheOptions.'&& cd 
'.$flag.'%2$s && git remote add composer -- %1$s && git fetch composer';

git clone expects options before URL and PATH. It will still work if
the '--' is not put before URL and PATH. The cacheOptions need to be
moved to the left (before --), otherwise this cannot work anymore in
case of $cacheOptions != ''.

Best regards,

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