Package: autopkgtest
Version: 5.26
Severity: minor

The program autopkgtest-build-qemu needs a few packages to be installed in
order to work properly. However, such packages are not listed as dependencies
of autopkgtest given that they are qemu-specific, and qemu is only one of the
backends supported by autopkgtest. Some (but not all) of the needed packages
are listed as Suggests. For vmdb2, autopkgtest-build-qemu detects its absence
and warns about the fact:

 vmdb2 not found. This script requires vmdb2 to be installed

Another required package is zerofree, which is not currently listed in Suggests
though it should be. See Similarly to what it
does for vmdb2, the script should warn if zerofree is missing too.

Depending on the arguments passed to autopkgtest-build-qemu, the combination of
required packages may change. For example, when building an arm64 image on a
amd64 host with --architecture=arm64, the following packages are needed too:

- qemu-user-static
- binfmt-support
- qemu-efi-aarch64
- qemu-system-arm

For other architectures the list of requirements is likely a bit different.

It would be great if autopkgtest-build-qemu could detect this and print a
message about the missing packages instead of crashing.

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