Max, Nathanael, could you confirm that you're too using Neo2, or similarly
"exotic" layouts? Otherwise we're probably looking at different issues.
Indeed, I use Neo2.

This can be traced down to the keyboard configuration of konsole. When going
to: Edit Current Profile... -> Keyboard -> Default (XFree 4) -> Edit...

and then using the "input" field for testing, it can be observed that for the
arrow up key, different rules trigger depending on the keyboard layout:

Layout   Rule                                     Escape Sequence
de neo   Up-Shift+Ansi+AnyModifier                \E[1;1A
us       Up-Shift+Ansi-AppCursorKeys-AnyModifier  \E[A
This workaround worked for me. I used some "normal" German variant, though.

Best regards
Max Görner

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