Hi all,

Upgrading txtorcon to the latest version (23.11.0) should fix this problem, it does not happen there for me.

I have imported the new upstream version and updated the packaging [1] after adjusting the watchfile, which indeed fixes this FTBFS.

Would it be OK to push to git and team-upload? The build is fine now and
ratt [2] reports that reverse dependencies still build in unstable, with
the exception of tahoe-lafs, for which the issue is likely unrelated to txtorcon.
I'm just asking since my activity in the team has been mainly focused on
maintaining onioncircuits in Debian and I do not want to barge in doing
changes on other team-maintained packages.


[1] https://salsa.debian.org/satta/txtorcon/-/compare/master...master?from_project_id=19476&page=7&straight=false
[2] https://github.com/Debian/ratt

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