package syslog-ng
retitle 345157 syslog-ng: Should strip \0 terminators from syslog messages
tags 345157 - patch
retitle 356700 perl (Sys::Syslog): \0 terminator required in syslog messages
reassign 356700 perl 5.8.8-3
package perl
close 356700 5.8.8-4

Cleaning up bugs #356700 and #345157 in order to avoid any further
confusion for those who encounter them in the BTS after us.  I reassigned
#356700 to perl before closing it as a reminder that \0 terminators are
required with stream sockets[1].  This fact should be documented in the
Sys::Syslog code!  (Perhaps the Debian perl maintainers could submit a
documentation patch upstream?)

Julian Mehnle.


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