> > -------- Forwarded Message --------
> > From: Dave Beckett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I can't reproduce this or see why you get it.  This kind of thing is more 
> > likely to be clock skew on your machine.  If it happens again, please 
> > include a complete make clean log include the 'make clean' repeat loop.

Hrm, I thought I had double-checked this by resyncing my clock and
unpacking the package from scratch again, but I'm now unable to cause
this again. Maybe it was a transient issue in something else. Tomboy
still does ./configure during the clean target (which is a bit weird)
but it only does it once now, and succeeds.

Thanks for your attention to this. If I can reproduce it again in the
future I'll be sure to get a log.

(p.s. Julien, to email a bug submitter please use
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or their email address, I missed your
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] because such mails don't get sent to the
original submitter.)
Joe Wreschnig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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