package: libmysqlclient15off
version: 5.0.24-1

package: libdbd-mysql-perl
version: 3.0006-1

I have a fully up-to-date system based on Debian testing, running mysql 4.1.15-1

I ran aptitude update /upgrade earlier this week and libmysqlclient15off was 
upgraded to 5.0.24-1 from 5.0.22-4. Subsequently amavisd-new started reporting 
'Transactions not supported' when trying to log to an InnoDB mysql database. It 
then emerged that any use of perl DBD/DBI connecting to mysql generated this 
error. The short script below will cause the error. 

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;
# substitute your own suitable InnoDB database info and credentials for testing
my $user = 'test';
my $pw = 'test';
my $db = 'test'
my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$db;host=", $user, $pw,
  { AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0 });
  die DBI::errstr unless $dbh;


Downgrading back to mysqlclient15off 5.0.22-4 cleared the problem. It has also 
been reported on the net that recompiling DBD also fixes the issue although I 
haven't tried this myself.

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