tags 39753 patch

note: this reply is to the first message in this bug, the second message looks 
like it could be a seperate (but most likely similar) issue.

from the most recent changelog:
   * 06_irc-signal-crash.patch:
     - Add patch to work around crash on receiving non-ASCII characters
       in IRC by not emitting the new "irc-receiving-text" signal; the text
       from the server needs to be normalized into proper UTF-8 before sending
       it to dbus.

from looking at the backtrace and the source it seems there is an 
"irc-sending-text" signal that also needs to be disabled, i've attatched a 
modified version of the irc signal crash patch and put a set of debs at 
http://plugwash.bircd.org/gaimirccrashfix/ for testing, can the reporters of 
this bug please test if my change fixes their problem.

Attachment: 06_irc-signal-crash.patch
Description: Binary data

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