I have 2 monitors 19'' both at 1280x1024
I use 2 tildas and attach both configurations. Problem is usually with conf 0

When I started tilda today, config_0 started on monitor 1 (instead of
0) and with max_height 100% (instead of 60%)

After clicking on preferences, I saw the max_height as 60% and monitor
0 (as shown in the confs), but it didnt match what tilda was doing

I had to change height to 61% so the conf were different and was applied again.

And regarding the monitos, In the past, changing monitor option from 0
to 1, and then from 1 to 0 again, usually bring tilda to monitor 0,
but not this time. I had to drag it with alt key to the normal

Configurations show okay, but tilda acts different. This has been
happening for a long time, but is not easy to reproduce

If you have some rough idea of why this is happening maybe I can do
further tests to find the cause

Thanks :)

Attachment: config_0
Description: Binary data

Attachment: config_1
Description: Binary data

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