Package: python-matplotlib
Version: 0.90.0-1
Tags: patch

Actually, the problem is that there is a loop on the python versions inside a 
*per version* target.

As it is the build scheme goes something like (rough pseudocode):


  for each version ($*) in $(PYVERS)  # this is done by make
                                      # (because of the dependencies of 
"install-arch" in line 56)

       python$* ./ install_lib  # install the extensions for version $*

       for v in $(PYVERS); do

                    check that stuff$v is installed

I really have no idea what the original intent was, but the result is that 
after the first (2.4) extensions

are installed, the check is run for *all* versions, and fails because 2.5 
extensions were not installed yet.

I believe that the v loop in line 73 should just be removed.

The minimalistic patch attached simply loops over a single version (the current 
one), which makes the package build OK.

Package maintainer should really fix the problem in a more appropriate manner.


         Amit A.

--- matplotlib-0.90.0/debian/rules      2007-06-15 15:53:45.000000000 +0300
+++ matplotlib-0.90.0.nw/debian/rules   2007-06-15 14:50:10.000000000 +0300
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
        # autobuilders.
        # The plugin abbreviations are:
        #  ns_ = numpy, na_ = numarray, nc_ = numeric
-       for v in $(PYVERS); do \
+       for v in $*; do \
                for p in na ns nc; do \
                        for f in; do \
                                # Check for these four files for each plugin: \

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