subscribe 446110 !
tag 446110 +patch


my preferred usage of colorgcc is to have a bunch of symlinks
  colorg++-x.y.z -> colorgcc
in the path and the compiler name mapping defined in .colorgccrc (usually just colorg++-x.y.z: g++-x.y.z), no weird gcc -> colorgcc symlinks that might break things, and then I just use CXX=colorg++-x.y.z gccVersion does not help me since I need several different compiler versions.

The attached patch fixes a few issues:

* only match '.*Color' as color attribute names
  (fixes 'Invalid attribute name')
* treat any unknown option in the config file as a compiler name
  (don't enable overrideCompilerPaths in this case)
* readd support for compilers with extra arguments
  (got removed in patch 05)

With this applied locally, I'm now curious about trying the other patches introduced in -5, mainly improved g++ handling.

--- /usr/bin/colorgcc~dist	2007-10-09 22:53:10.000000000 +0200
+++ /usr/bin/colorgcc	2007-10-15 18:20:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -159,10 +159,15 @@
          @{$translations{$1}} = split(/\s+/, $value);
-      else
+      elsif ($option =~ m/Color$/)
 	 $colors{$option} = color($value);
+      else
+      {
+         # treat unknown options as user defined compilers
+         $compilerPaths{$option} = $value;
+      }
@@ -218,6 +223,20 @@
 $compiler = $compilerPaths{$progName} || $compilerPaths{"gcc"};
+# Check for unquoted program name with spaces. If there are spaces
+# and it's not quoted, assume that the spaces separate the program
+# name from some arguments to be prepended to ARGV.
+# If it is quoted, remove the quotes.
+if ($compiler =~ /^"(.*)"$/)
+   $compiler = $1;
+   ($compiler, @preargs) = split(/\s+/, $compiler);
+   @ARGV = (@preargs, @ARGV);
 # Check that we don't reference self
 die "$compiler is self-referencing"
    if ( -l $compiler and (stat $compiler)[1] == (stat $0)[1] );

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