Hi Frederic,

Honestly I was a bit discouraged by this licence problem, I only wanted to package Quickform as it was a dependancy of centreon [1]. But lots of pear packages that centreon used suffer from the same licence problem, and convince all these developpers to change licence to be able to distribute their package in debian, it seems to me, is a long and tedious task !

I didn't have time recently to rework on this and talk with developpers, if you're motivated, you can do it and takeover this ITP.


[1] http://www.centreon.com/

Frederic Lehobey wrote:

  I am currently working on packaging phpMyVisites for Debian

  It has a dependency on QuickForm and, hence, possibly a dependency
on your future package.

  Unfortunately, it seems QuickForm has legal problems with its
licence for being included in the archive. See this thread:
and particularly:

  I have noticed upstream is working on a rewriting under BSD Licence
but I do not if it is an exact replacement.

  What are your thoughts? your plans?

Best regards,
Frédéric Lehobey

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