The feedback from the FTP masters, and my response.

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Hi FTP masters!

On Tue, 08 Nov 2011 10:23:23 +0000, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl 
<> wrote:
> Hi maintainer(s)!
> I'm sorry, but your copyright file is incomplete:

I half-expected that... I spent quite a lot of time grepping through the
source code and found a lot of different copyright files, quite a jungle
out there...

> banb/ containts some BSDish licensed files,

will fix.

> as well as two where the author
> "The author disclaims copyright to this source code." but gives a
> "blessing" instead,

This is the "amalgamed sqlite" - which is not used during the build. It
is exactly the same license as what is currently in the archive as
sqlite3. I am not sure what can be done with those, considering the
presence of that code in Debian already...

> extensions/ contains many GPLv1+ and BSD licensed
> files, include/irc_dictionary.h is also not GPL licensed, and probably
> quite some more.

will fix.

> Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
> your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our
> concerns.

Do you mind if I forward those communications to the BTS (#485553) so
that others can contribute?

Is it okay if I upload a new package with details about the BSD files
and other licenses, while still shipping the sqlite source?

Thank you for your work,


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Il n'existe aucune limite sacrée ou non à l'action de l'homme dans
l'univers. Depuis nos origines nous avons le choix: être aveuglé par
la vérité ou coudre nos paupières.
                        - [no one is innocent]

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