> In addition to the sysv priorities, there is also the LSB dependencies
> that newer init systems use. I don't think you'd want to setup any
> dependencies there, since it doesn't apply to all cases:                      
> 1) while you might have ekeyd and egd on the same system, we don't know
> that egd is configured to point at the local ekeyd
> 2) egd shouldn't depend on stunnel because it's not always going to be
> configured to use stunnel

I think that is what the "Should-Start" keyword in the header is for actually:

Should-Start: boot_facility_1 [boot_facility_2...]

    * defines the facilities that if present should start before the
      service provided by the script. Nevertheless, the script can still
      start if the listed facilities are missing. This allows for weak
      dependencies which do not cause the service to fail if a facility
      is not available. Consider using virtual facility names as
      described below if adequate.

Which means that it would make sense to have Should-Start headers, but
not Required-Start headers. 

This of course only solves the problem for the newer dependency-based
init systems, it shouldn't be the solution for the start priority issue
for other init systems.


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