Control: tags -1 patch

The issue described by this ticket no longer exists since ardentryst 1.71-7.

Gonéri Le Bouder reported " DeprecationWarning: the sha/md5 module 
is deprecated; use hashlib instead", triggered by this line:
import smtplib, email, math, sha, md5

Reiner Herrmann's Python 3 port (python3.patch) fixed the issue by replacing 
the offending line:
import smtplib, email, math
from hashlib import md5, sha1

There was also discussion how changing the code would affect uploading scores 
to the online score board, but the server has been offline since 2013 (as per 
game's author, Jordan Trudgett), so this is no longer of any interest, either.

I attached a patch removing all menu options dealing with the long-dead online 
score board. For details see the text at the start of the patch. Then I'd 
suggest closing this ticket.


PS: I hope putting a Control command, text and patch attachment all in 1 email 
doesn't cause any issues.

Attachment: offline.patch.gz
Description: application/gzip

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