Package: fluxbox
Version: 1.3.2-2

Following steps to reproduce the problem:
1. install fspanel (0.7-10) and alsamixergui (0.9.0rc2-1-9.1)
2. start alsamixergui
3. right-click on its titlebar -> remember -> position
4. start fspanel

Initially, fspanel is now positioned on top of the ALSA mixer. The problem is 
also visible in the apps file after making the position persistent:

[app] (name=) (class=)
  [Position]    (UPPERLEFT)     {1438 17}

Of course the actual bug is in both fspanel and alsamixergui, i.e. that they 
both don't set the mandatory WM_CLASS[1]. However, here is a point where the 
behaviour of fluxbox could be improved. In the presence of a broken client 
like those two, it should simply refuse to store any resource information, 
because the stored information would match every such client.



[1] says "This property must be 
present when the window leaves the Withdrawn state"

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