Package: vim
Version: 2:7.3.429-2
Priority: wishlist

Hi maintainer,

Could you please add support for Vala (*.vala, *.vapi) syntax highlighting to the vim package?

There's a syntax script and instructions on how to add it to your .vimrc here:
There are also comments in vala.vim itself about wanting to add some things to the global vimrc. The instructions also add parsing of valac errors, but I personally care less about those.

I suspect they're waiting for a 1.0 release of Vala before adding it upstream (as implied by the vala.vim comments), but given that there's an increasing amount of code in Vala, it would be good to have some form of syntax highlighting now.

If you'd like me to, I'm happy to give you a debdiff or something to implement this.

Geoffrey Thomas

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