block 790118 by 691199 764401

The text of #790118 asks that the ksh package run 'add-shell /bin/ksh' after install, and reverses it after removal. In of itself this is reasonable, Debian has two implementations of ksh (both of which are currently orphaned). Both use the update-alternatives system. So it needs to do something more refined. So both ksh and mksh need to cooperate to make this happen. They should follow the same standards.

Hence I am blocking this bug on both packages being maintained. More generally I think the following should happen:

1. The ksh package needs to be renamed to ksh93 and provide 'ksh' as a virtual package.

2. mksh also should provide 'ksh' as a virtual package.

3. It seems mksh does not update the man pages via update-alternatives.

4. The above mentioned cooperation on add-shell/remove-shell. I think this would be in the postinst running add-shell /bin/ksh and in the postrm checking if /bin/ksh still exists and if not running remove-shell /bin/ksh.

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