Control: tag -1 + confirmed pending


just to write down a related IRC discussion:

--> beatrice (~beatrice^@ has joined #debian-haskell
<BTS> Opened #709814 in haskell-arrows by Beatrice Torracca
<> «Recent changes in libghc-* packages description
is a major setback for DDTP translation work».
<nomeata> beatrice: hi
<nomeata> thx for the bug report
<nomeata> we do not intend to merge the paragraphs
<beatrice> yes, it is me. I came here in case anyone needed any
<nomeata> but this is a bug in dpkg (
which is scheduled to be fixed with dpkg 1.17
<nomeata> so I suggest you simply ignore the Haskell packages until that
is uploaded and the packages have been rebuild
<nomeata> Note that then things should be easier for you, as then the
common part of the packages is actually provideded by a substvar, so it
is guaranteed to be the same all over the place
<nomeata> (currently we have some variation, which we want to get rid
<beatrice> that is good to know. we were very surprised by this 1
paragraph change.
<beatrice> and yes, things are easier for us if one paragraph is exactly
the same all over the place. Thanks for taking this issue into account
<nomeata> I guess this will cause a noticable dent in your translation
statistics for a while ;-]
<beatrice> yes :)
<nomeata> I used to do description translation stuff some 5 years ago,
so I do remember its needs
<beatrice> but we are more scared by having to redo all the translation
over and over again than by the statistics. We will skip haskell
packages for the moment then.
<nomeata> If you look at
you can see that the common blurb, which was in all ~600 package, is not
repeated in every package any more
<beatrice> ahh :) a fellow translator then. 


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
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