Guys, problem you're having is related to how java is working with tiling
window managers or rather not working.
I had similar problem (I think) when I started using AWM (3y+ ago) you have to
rename your WM session into something what java knows and know how to behave

Try using wmname from suckless-tools package. To be more precise try to set WM
name into ex. LG3D by executing:
wmname LG3D
and then try to run josm (worked for me perfectly)

|_|0|_|                                          |
|_|_|0|         "Heghlu'Meh QaQ jajVam"          |
|0|0|0|         -------- kuLa ---------          |

gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x58C338B3
3DF1 A4DF C732 4688 38BC F121 6869 30DD  58C3 38B3

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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