On Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 03:38:27PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:

> When
> SQLBulkOperations(handle,SQL_UPDATE_BY_BOOKMARK)
> is called, odbc-postgresql sends to PostgreSQL a query like
>  where ctid = '(0, 1)' returning ctid
> which is incomplete, and thus gives a syntax error and makes
> the update operation fail.

> I haven't completely understood the said circumstances, but they are
> hit with LibreOffice in its default configuration (which has some
> arguably dubious "don't trust what the driver says" workarounds for
> buggy drivers).

> As far as LibreOffice is concerned, this bug is worked around by
> enabling its "Respect the result set type from the database driver"
> setting.

Forgot to give the ~/.odbc.ini entry:

Description             = Connection to postgresql Villages database
(local copy)
Driver  = PostgreSQL Unicode
Trace     = No
TraceFile   = /tmp/psqlodbc.log
Database      = Villages
Servername      = pgsql.gestman
UserName          = 
Password            = 
Port                  = 
ReadOnly                = No
RowVersioning             = No
ShowSystemTables            = No
ShowOidColumn                 = No
FakeOidIndex                    = No
ConnSettings                      = 
Protocol                            = 7.4

This bug also does not appear when adding

UpdatableCursors   = Yes



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