Source: lintian4python
Version: 0.26

Looks like in python3.4 some error messages were improved:

Now, when I try to run tests with python3.4, I get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./run-tests", line 89, in test
    raise AssertionError('\n'.join(message))
AssertionError: unexpected helper output:

 # /tmp/lintian4python-0.26/tests/code-analysis/string-format-error.t-ca
-string-formatting-error 5 unmatched '{' in format
-string-formatting-error 6 expected ':' after format specifier
+string-formatting-error 5 expected '}' before end of string
+string-formatting-error 6 expected ':' after conversion specifier
 string-formatting-error 7 unknown conversion specifier e

Dmitry Shachnev

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