Package: chasen
Version: 2.4.5-21
Severity: important
Usertags: ftbfs-gcc-6 gcc-6-symbols

This package fails to build with GCC 6.  GCC 6 has not been released
yet, but it's expected that GCC 6 will become the default compiler for

Note that only the first error is reported; there might be more.  You
can find a snapshot of GCC 6 in experimental.  To build with GCC 6,
you can set CC=gcc-6 CXX=g++-6 explicitly.

You may be able to find out more about this issue at

> sbuild (Debian sbuild) 0.67.0 (26 Dec 2015) on dl580gen9-02.hlinux
> dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared in the symbols file: see 
> diff output below
> dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols 
> file: see diff output below
> dpkg-gensymbols: warning: debian/libchasen2/DEBIAN/symbols doesn't match 
> completely debian/libchasen2.symbols
> --- debian/libchasen2.symbols (libchasen2_2.4.5-21_amd64)
> +++ dpkg-gensymbolsyRsSBF     2016-01-19 06:30:26.719693897 +0000
> @@ -31,9 +31,11 @@
>   _ZN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEED1Ev@Base 2.4.5
>   (optional)_ZN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEED2Ev@Base 2.4.5-19
>   (optional)_ZNKSt5ctypeIcE8do_widenEc@Base 2.4.5-19
> - 
> _ZNSt6vectorIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS0_6LengthIcEEE6node_tESaIS5_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS5_S7_EERKS5_@Base
>  2.4.5
> - 
> _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlS1_EERKl@Base
>  2.4.5
> - 
> (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSslESt10_Select1stIS2_ESt4lessISsESaIS2_EE10_M_insert_EPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSA_RKS2_@Base
>  2.4.5-19
> +#MISSING: 2.4.5-21# 
> _ZNSt6vectorIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS0_6LengthIcEEE6node_tESaIS5_EE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPS5_S7_EERKS5_@Base
>  2.4.5
> + 
> _ZNSt6vectorIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS0_6LengthIcEEE6node_tESaIS5_EE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKS5_EEEvDpOT_@Base
>  2.4.5-21
> +#MISSING: 2.4.5-21# 
> _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEE13_M_insert_auxEN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPlS1_EERKl@Base
>  2.4.5
> + _ZNSt6vectorIlSaIlEE19_M_emplace_back_auxIJRKlEEEvDpOT_@Base 2.4.5-21
> +#MISSING: 2.4.5-21# 
> (optional)_ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSslESt10_Select1stIS2_ESt4lessISsESaIS2_EE10_M_insert_EPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseSA_RKS2_@Base
>  2.4.5-19
>  #MISSING: 2.4.5# 
> _ZNSt8_Rb_treeISsSt4pairIKSslESt10_Select1stIS2_ESt4lessISsESaIS2_EE15_M_insert_equalERKS2_@Base
>  2.4.5
>   _ZTIN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEEE@Base 2.4.5
>   _ZTSN5Darts15DoubleArrayImplIchlmNS_6LengthIcEEEE@Base 2.4.5
> dh_makeshlibs: failing due to earlier errors
> debian/rules:7: recipe for target 'binary' failed

Martin Michlmayr
Linux for HPE Helion, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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