Package: wmii
Version: 3.10~20120413+hg2813-8
Severity: Minor

1. $ apt-get install wmii
2. (launch wmii)
3. $ wmiir xwrite /ctl "font xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=10"
wmiir: fatal: cannot write file '/ctl': can't load font

4. $ apt-get install libxft-dev
5. (restart wmii)
6. $ wmiir xwrite /ctl "font xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=10"

On further investigation, it turns out that wmii calls
dlopen("", RTLD_LAZY).  I guess that either this should be
patched to find the correct, or libxft-dev should be
added as a recommended package of wmii.

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