Package: how-can-i-help
Severity: wishlist

I would like to be able to list all issues that apply to my local
system in descending order of how much I care about them. The best
proxy of how much I care is probably how recently I used them.

For packages, this can be found in the popcon information for my
system. On my system the popcon data is in the following two files.
The first one is encrypted to the Debian popcon key and the second is
unencrypted. For earlier versions of popcon the first is unencrypted
and the second doesn't exist. So the code should read the first line of
the file to detect if it is a popcon file or is encrypted.


For pseudo-packages, my browser history probably provides the best
information about how recently I used the services. Unfortunately this
is really hard to query in a general way across all browsers, so there
should probably be a way for me to specify usage times to influence the
 sorting. This could also be used to override the package sorting too.


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