I have reviewed this request.  tl/dr: I recommend approval.

I have looked at the debdiff and the changes seem to be as described
in the bug report.  Almost all of the things described sound very much
like important bugfixes.  I'm not entirely sure about "Improvements in
key parts of the consistency engine" but the approach taken by
upstream seem reassuring and if I were the maintainer I think I would
choose to take that change too rather than trying to drop it.

I did notice that the debdiff contains a fair few test suite changes,
including notably what looks like new tests.  I am comfortable with
that, even though this was not called out in the bug or the
changelog.  I guess that's just upstream practice.

The risk of accepting is course is that there is some bug in these
changes - perhaps even a data loss bug.  But the fact that this code
has been in the upstream stable branch for a month mitigates against
that, and the known problems described seem worse than the cure.

I did not do a code review in context, and I'm not familiar with the
codebase, so I'm not sure that the changes are indeed right.  Such a
detailed code review exercise seems beyond our realistic capabilities
for a stable update.

I'm not an ftpmaster and have no formal status.  I'm just hoping to be


Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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