On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 08:05:04PM +0100, Helmut Grohne wrote:
> Package: gfxboot
> /usr/bin/gfxboot contains tune2fs. According to file it is a Perl script text 
> executable

It indeed seems like gfxboot will launch both mkfs.ext[23] and tune2fs
when the filesystem is ext2 or ext3 (while ext4 falls under 'unsupported


Apart from ext2/ext3 gfxboot also seems to support reiserfs (but not
reiser4), xfs and fat filesystems but there's no package relationship
specified to any of reiserfsprogs, xfsprogs or dosfstools either.

Would be great to hear from maintainers if all of them missing is
a mistake or if maybe there's no need for a relationship against
e2fsprogs either.

Andreas Henriksson

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