tags 889939 + pending


#898105 has been filed to request the removal of src:scapy3k from
unstable. As I said in that bug, I would be happy to reintroduce the
codebase at a later date as it does have features that distinguish it
from secdev's scapy, though this should happen once the roadmap for that
project is clearer and namespace confusion has been addressed.

I've switch src:scapy to use pybuild and in the next upload (once
#898105) is fixed, the binary package python3-scapy will be built from


There will need to be a NEWS file to let users know about the switch. I
will write that closer to the time I upload it.

As this will result in the package going through binary-NEW, I'll
probably also look at #773683 (include documentation) at the same time
in an additional documentation package.


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