Package: dolphin

This problem is quite general. It has affected Dolphin for years. I sometimes get files with undisplayable characters in them - the character(s) show up as �

When I get this, the file cannot be renamed, moved, copied or even deleted. I get a "file or folder <name> does not exist" error if I try. I cannot see this as anything but a bug. I should be able to work with any file that exists on my system, even if Dolphin or Plasma can't display its name.

Sorry this isn't produced using reportbug. My current ISP is giving me a lot of headaches with sending e-mail from accounts it doesn't recognize and I haven't fixed the one used by reportbug. To make matters worse, the tmp file saved by reportbug is now base64 encoded so I can't copy it to a Thunderbird e-mail.

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