Bisecting python, I found out 019f0a0cb85ebc234356415f3638b9bd77528e55
("bpo-34536: raise error for invalid _missing_ results (GH-9147)")
causes the issue.

Yet another reduction was possible, and now I can reproduce that python
issue on python3.6 as well. I know this is not the best place to report
it, but as it's the root cause of this issue and I don't want to waste
the investigation effort before I head to a long holiday, here is the

By the way, I reverted said patch and the other reproducer worked fine,
yet have to test with autopkgtest-virt-qemu itself.

import socket

def test_tty():
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        raise ValueError("value error")
    except ValueError as e:
        exc = e


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