On Wed, 20 Mar 2019, DevPGSV Pablo wrote:

> I submitted a public debian mirror (
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=917958 ).
> It was requested that we changed the upstream mirror (we did), but that
> requests didn't arrive to my email ( ihad to look it up online, in the
> previous link).
> I replied to the same message thread, but I have the feeling the message
> was not correctly received (perhaps it didn't arrive to the destinatary
> inbox).
> We have been using our mirror (http://mirror.librelabucm.org/debian/) in
> several servers and desktop computers without any issues.

I just added your mirror.  Sorry that it took so long, we are all silly
busy it seems :/

Thanks for your support!

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