Package: nfs-common
Version: 1:1.3.4-2.1

I'm using NFSv4 over TCP at the moment.  If I don't specify rsize and
wsize on the client, either the client negotiates a wsize of 256KB or
defaults to a wsize of 256KB ("wsize=262144").

When dumping large amounts of data (moving 2TB of data around, figure
many 200MB files) onto the server, after a while the mount hangs and then
messages start appearing in the server kernel log:
"[sss.mmm] NFSD: client xxxxx testing state ID with incorrect client ID"
After several minutes the mount was recovering, but having an entire
machine locked up for a while is a problem.

During an attempt to revert to using UDP, I discovered that explicitly
setting wsize=8192 fixed the problem (this size is reasonable with UDP if
you've got jumbo-frame support).  I'm guessing either the default is bad
or negotiation is failing to generate a working value.

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