Source: t-digest
Version: 1:3.0-1
Severity: serious

W: libt-digest-java: latest-debian-changelog-entry-reuses-existing-version 
1:3.0-1 == 3.0-1 (last used: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 10:44:34 +0200)
N:    The latest changelog entry has a version that matches one used in the
N:    specified previous entry. All versions of a source package must be
N:    unique even after a leading epoch has been stripped off.
N:    Files generated by the current version of this source package would
N:    conflict with some historical files. This is because the Debian archive
N:    does not allow multiple files with the same name and different contents
N:    and the generated .dsc, .deb, etc. do not embed the epoch in their
N:    filenames.
N:    Please pick another version, for example by increasing the Debian
N:    revision.
N:    Severity: normal, Certainty: certain
N:    Check: changelog-file, Type: binary

Just bumping the version number to 1:3.0-2 should be safe.


PS: I do not want to repeat

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